Cantonese Linking words

And & But

Today let’s talk a little bit about grammar, adverbs, connective words or linking words in Cantonese. Pretty much similar to English, connective words are used in forming phrases and sentences, to show the relationship and the logic between the clauses, whether it is a contrast, comparison, condition etc. They are used usually in the middle of a sentence to connect clauses or at the beginning at a sentence. With spoken Cantonese, it is a lot more casual, depending on the context, sometimes they even put the connect words at then end. This episode we will focus on the casual spoken cantonese grammar. There are more linking words that are more written and polite sounding, but not as commonly used in daily life. You usually only hear those on the news, as well as some professional settings where they are doing a more serious presentation, which will not be talked about today.

a. 同埋 (Dummy PY: Tong My)/ 同 (Dummy PY: Tong) - And

The first type I am talking about are linking words that relate to coordinating relationships, meaning when 2 or more clauses or ideas that are of similar or equal parts in a sentence. We will first be talking about the word “and”.

“And” in Cantonese is 同埋 (Dummy PY: Tong My), 同 (Dummy PY: Tong) has the meaning of togetherness. 同 (Dummy PY: Tong) is the short form of 同埋 (Dummy PY: Tong My). But there are slight differences between the usage of 同 (Dummy PY: Tong) & 同埋 (Dummy PY: Tong My). The single word 同 (Dummy PY: Tong), other than being a linking word “and”, it can also be a verb kind of to mean help. Whereas, the term 同埋 (Dummy PY: Tong My) can really only mean “and”. But let’s only focus on linking words today. With the word and, 同埋 (Dummy PY: Tong My)/ 同 (Dummy PY: Tong), the formula of the sentence would be:

1st idea + 同埋 (Dummy PY: Tong My)/ 同 (Dummy PY: Tong) + 2nd idea

For example:

1. 我我丫妹都係女仔。

(Dummy PY: Ngo Tong Ngo Ah Mui Dou Hai Nui Jai)

-> I and my sister are both girls.

**note that in cantonese, we say “I” first before the other person, so instead of “My sister and I” we say “I and my sister”. Therefore, you often find Cantonese people when speaking English would say “Me and my sister” because of the Cantonese sentence structure.

2. 士多啤利同埋車喱子都係水果。

(Dummy PY: See Dor Bear Lei Tong My Cher Lei Ji Dou Hai Shui Guo)

-> Strawberries and cherries are both fruits.

*士多啤利 is the onomatopoeia of strawberry. And 同埋 車喱子 as well, the onomatopoeia of Cherry.

3. 同埋Jessica 好好人。

(Dummy PY: Tong My Jessica Ho Ho Yen)

-> And Jessica is very nice.

* In a conversation, if someone says something, and you want to add more points to that, you can start the sentence with 同埋 (Dummy PY: Tong My)

What if you have more than 2 ideas you would want to connect in a sentence, then you can either follow the English structure like:

1st idea + 2nd idea + 同埋 (Dummy PY: Tong My)/ 同 (Dummy PY: Tong) + 3rd idea

For example:

1. 我,我丫妹同我丫媽都係女仔。

(Dummy PY: Ngo, Ngo Ah Mui Tong Ngo Ah Ma Dou Hai Nui Jai)

-> me, my sister and my mom are girls.

2. 士多啤利, 車喱子同埋橙都係水果。

(Dummy PY: See Dor Bear Lei, Cher Lei Ji Tong My Charng Dou Hai Shui Guo)

-> Strawberries,cherries and oranges are fruits.

Or you can use 同埋 (Dummy PY: Tong My)/ 同 (Dummy PY: Tong) to link all the ideas, which is also acceptable:

1st idea + 同埋 (Dummy PY: Tong My)/ 同 (Dummy PY: Tong)+ 2nd idea + 同埋 (Dummy PY: Tong My)/ 同 (Dummy PY: Tong) + 3rd idea

For example:

1. 我同我丫妹同我丫媽都係女仔。

(Dummy PY: Ngo Tong Ngo Ah Mui Tong Ngo Ah Ma Dou Hai Nui Jai)

-> me and my sister and my mom are girls.

2. 士多啤利同車喱子同埋橙都係水果。

(Dummy PY: See Dor Bear Lei Tong Cher Lei Ji Tong My Charng Dou Hai Shui Guo)

-> Strawberries and cherries and oranges are fruits.

b. 不但...而且... (Dummy PY: But Darn...Yee Chair...) - Not only … but also …

不但...而且... (Dummy PY: But Darn...Yee Chair...) are usually used together, occasionally people would use 而且 (Dummy PY: Yee Chair) alone in a sentence, omitting the “not only…” 不但 (Dummy PY: But Darn) because it is implied. Other than expressing the idea of “and” and “also”, it also means “not only but also”. When you use 不但...而且... (Dummy PY: But Darn...Yee Chair...) in a sentence, the formula usually looks like:

Subject + 不但 (Dummy PY: But Darn) + first idea,而且 (Dummy PY: Yee Chair) + second idea.

For example:

1. Jessica 不但好好人,而且好勤力。

(Dummy PY: Jessica But Darn Ho Ho Yen, Yee Chair Ho Kunt Lick)

-> Jessica is not only very nice, but also very hard working.

2. 我不但病,而且無埋份工。

(Dummy PY: Ngo Um Darn Ji Beng, Yee Chair Mo My Fun Gung)

-> I am not only sick, but also lost my job.

Second version:

唔單只...而且... (Dummy PY: Um Darn Ji...Yee Chair...) - Not only … but also

Another way of saying it is, 唔單只...而且... (Dummy PY: Um Darn Ji...Yee Chair...), it means exactly the same thing, just that 唔單只 (Dummy PY: um Darn Ji) sounds more casual than 不但 (Dummy PY: But Darn). Same formula as 不但...而且... (Dummy PY: But Darn...Yee Chair...), in a sentence, 唔單只...而且... (Dummy PY: Um Darn Ji...Yee Chair...), the formula usually looks like:

Subject + 唔單只 (Dummy PY: um Darn Ji) + first idea, 而且 (Dummy PY: Yee Chair) + second idea.

For example:

1. Jessica 唔單只好好人,而且好勤力。

(Dummy PY: Jessica Um Darn Ji Ho Ho Yen, Yee Chair Ho Kunt Lick)

-> Jessica is not only very nice, but also very hard working.

2. 我唔單只病,而且無埋份工。

(Dummy PY: Ngo Um Darn Ji Beng, Yee Chair Mo My Fun Gung)

-> I am not only sick, but also lost my job.

Third version:

There is even a more casual way of saying it, which is 唔單只 (Dummy PY: um Darn Ji)... 仲 (Dummy PY: Jong)... 仲 (Dummy PY: Jong) means “also” as well. Again, 仲 (Dummy PY: Jong) can stand alone in the sentence without 唔單只 (Dummy PY: um Darn Ji), same formula:

Subject + 唔單只 (Dummy PY: um Darn Ji) + first idea, 仲 (Dummy PY: Jong) + second idea.

For example:

1. Jessica 唔單只好好人,仲好勤力。

(Dummy PY: Jessica Um Darn Ji Ho Ho Yen, Jong Ho Kunt Lick)

-> Jessica is not only very nice, but also very hard working.

2. 我唔單只病,仲無埋份工。

(Dummy PY: Ngo Um Darn Ji Beng, Jong Mo My Fun Gung)

-> I am not only sick, but also lost my job.

c. 況且 (Dummy PY: Fong Chair) - On top of that/ additionally

況且 (Dummy PY: Fong Chair) means additionally. How is it different from 而且 (Dummy PY: Yee Chair)? With 而且 (Dummy PY: Yee Chair), the 2 ideas you are presenting are almost of equal importance; whereas for 況且 (Dummy PY: Fong Chair), the second idea you are presenting is not the main reason of argument, but an additional supporting idea. So you can think of it as “additionally, “on top of that” or “moreover”. The formula to form the sentence is this:

Subject + Main idea, 況且 (Dummy PY: Fong Chair) + additional idea.

For example:

1. 呢隻士多啤利好甜,況且又唔貴。

(Dummy PY: Lay Jack See Dor Bear Lei Ho Team, Fong Chair Yao Um Guai)

-> This kind of strawberries are very sweet, in addition, they are not expensive.

2. 夜晚晚自己一個行街好危險,況且你係女仔。

(Dummy PY: Yeah Marn Marn Ji Gay Yet Gor Heng Guy Ho Ngai Heem, Fong Chair Nei Hai Nui Jai)

-> At night, walking alone is very dangerous, on top of that you are a girl.

Second version:

加上(Dummy PY: Ga Sheung) - Plus/ In addition

You can use 加上(Dummy PY: Ga Sheung) to replace 況且 (Dummy PY: Fong Chair). They have the same meaning, to mean additionally. 加上(Dummy PY: Ga Sheung) literally means “plus”. Also the same formula:

Subject + Main idea, 加上(Dummy PY: Ga Sheung) + additional idea.

For example:

1. 呢隻士多啤利好甜,加上又唔貴。

(Dummy PY: Lay Jack See Dor Bear Lei Ho Team, Ga Sheung Yao Um Guai)

-> This kind of strawberries are very sweet, in addition, they are not expensive.

2. 夜晚晚自己一個行街好危險,加上你係女仔。

(Dummy PY: Yeah Marn Marn Ji Gay Yet Gor Heng Guy Ho Ngai Heem, Ga Sheung Nei Hai Nui Jai)

-> At night, walking alone is very dangerous, on top of that you are a girl.

**you can also replace 加上(Dummy PY: Ga Sheung) with 仲有 (Dummy PY: Jong Yao) which I mentioned previously, meaning also.

Third version:

何況 (Dummy PY: Hoh Fong) - Moreover

何況 (Dummy PY: Hoh Fong) - Moreover can also mean the same as 加上(Dummy PY: Ga Sheung) and 況且 (Dummy PY: Fong Chair). In this case, the formula is again the same.

Subject + Main idea, 何況 (Dummy PY: Hoh Fong) + additional idea.

For example:

1. 呢隻士多啤利好甜,何況又唔貴。

(Dummy PY: Lay Jack See Dor Bear Lei Ho Team, Hoh Fong Yao Um Guai)

-> This kind of strawberries are very sweet, in addition, they are not expensive.

2. 夜晚晚自己一個行街好危險,何況你係女仔。

(Dummy PY: Yeah Marn Marn Ji Gay Yet Gor Heng Guy Ho Ngai Heem, Hoh Fong Nei Hai Nui Jai)

-> At night, walking alone is very dangerous, on top of that you are a girl.

*何況 (Dummy PY: Hoh Fong) can be used the same way as 加上(Dummy PY: Ga Sheung) and 況且 (Dummy PY: Fong Chair). But there is another instance where 何況 (Dummy PY: Hoh Fong) is slightly different. 何況 (Dummy PY: Hoh Fong) when putting two ideas together, has a more rhetorical question kind of meaning, in this case it has the meaning of “let alone…”

For example:

1. 加拿大疫情都咁嚴重,何況係美國?

(Dummy PY: Ga Na Die Yek Ching Dou Gum Yeem Jong, Hoh Fong Hai May Gwok?)

-> The pandemic in Canada is already quite serious, let alone America?

2. Jessica 成績咁好都唔合格,何況係我?

(Dummy PY: Jessica Sing Jik Gum Ho Dou Um Hup Gak, Hoh Fong Hai Ngo?)

-> Jessica whose school results are great also failed, let alone me?

I think we are pretty good with the concept of “and” and “also” in Cantonese right now. Let’s move on to linking words that show contrasting ideas, meaning “but”. We will start with the simplest, 但係 (Dummy PY: Darn Hai).

d. 但係 (Dummy PY: Darn Hi) - But

For 但係 (Dummy PY: Darn Hi) - “But”, the usage is quite like English. We have 2 ideas that are contrasting or not necessarily parallel, then we link it with the word “but”, the formula is like so:

First idea, 但係 (Dummy PY: Darn Hi) + contrasting idea

For example:

1. Jessica 好好人, 但係佢好細膽。

(Dummy PY: Jessica Ho Ho Yen, Darn Hi Kui Ho Sai Darm)

-> Jessica is very nice but she is very fearful.

2. 呢隻士多啤利好甜,但係好貴。

(Dummy PY: Lay Jack See Dor Bear Lei Ho Team, Darn Hai Ho Guai)

-> This kind of strawberries are very sweet but they are expensive.

e. 不過 (Dummy PY: Butt Guo) - But

不過 (Dummy PY: Butt Guo) is another word that means “but”, 但係 (Dummy PY: Darn Hi) and 不過 (Dummy PY: Butt Guo) can be used interchangeably. Same formula:

First idea, 不過 (Dummy PY: Butt Guo) + contrasting idea

For example:

1. Jessica 好好人, 不過佢好細膽。

(Dummy PY: Jessica Ho Ho Yen, Butt Guo Kui Ho Sai Darm)

-> Jessica is very nice but she is very fearful.

2. 呢隻士多啤利好甜,不過好貴。

(Dummy PY: Lay Jack See Dor Bear Lei Ho Team, Butt Guo Ho Guai)

-> This kind of strawberries are very sweet but they are expensive.

3. 雖然 (Dummy PY: Sui Yeen)... 但係 (Dummy PY: Darn Hi)- Although… but

雖然 (Dummy PY: Sui Yeen) means Although, and 但係 (Dummy PY: Darn Hi) just now we mentioned means but. Unlike English, Although and but cannot be put in the same sentence, in Cantonese, they can be in the same sentence. 雖然 (Dummy PY: Sui Yeen) - although, can be a little redundant, because without 雖然 (Dummy PY: Sui Yeen), the sentence still means the same. And on the other hand, even if you used 雖然 (Dummy PY: Sui Yeen) - “Although”, you cannot omit 但係 (Dummy PY: Darn Hi) - But. 雖然 (Dummy PY: Sui Yeen) is usually used at the beginning of a sentence when in combination with For 但係 (Dummy PY: Darn Hi). 雖然 (Dummy PY: Sui Yeen)... 但係 (Dummy PY: Darn Hi), the formula looks like this:

雖然 (Dummy PY: Sui Yeen)+ First idea, 但係 (Dummy PY: Darn Hi) + contrasting idea

For example:

1. 雖然Jessica 好好人, 但係佢好細膽。

(Dummy PY: Sui Yeen Jessica Ho Ho Yen, Darn Hi Kui Ho Sai Darm)

-> (Although) Jessica is very nice but she is very fearful.

2. 雖然呢隻士多啤利好甜,但係好貴。

(Dummy PY: Sui Yeen Lay Jack See Dor Bear Lei Ho Team, Darn Hai Ho Guai)

-> (Although) This kind of strawberries are very sweet but they are expensive.

Second version:

雖然 (Dummy PY: Sui Yeen)... 不過 (Dummy PY: Butt Guo) - Although… but Like I mentioned previously, 但係 (Dummy PY: Darn Hi) and 不過 (Dummy PY: Butt Guo) can be used interchangeably. Here the combination of 雖然 (Dummy PY: Sui Yeen) ... 不過 (Dummy PY: Butt Guo)... - Although … But … is the same thing as 雖然 (Dummy PY: Sui Yeen)... 但係 (Dummy PY: Darn Hi)... Same formula as well.

雖然 (Dummy PY: Sui Yeen)+ First idea, 不過 (Dummy PY: Butt Guo) + contrasting idea

For example:

1. 雖然Jessica 好好人, 不過佢好細膽。

(Dummy PY: Sui Yeen Jessica Ho Ho Yen, Butt Guo Kui Ho Sai Darm)

-> (Although) Jessica is very nice but she is very fearful.

2. 雖然呢隻士多啤利好甜,不過好貴。

(Dummy PY: Sui Yeen Lay Jack See Dor Bear Lei Ho Team, Butt Guo Ho Guai)

-> (Although) This kind of strawberries are very sweet but they are expensive.

4. 雖然 (Dummy PY: Sui Yeen) - even though

When used on its own, 雖然 (Dummy PY: Sui Yeen) means even though. A little different than but, because it is showing a contrasting yet additional idea.

First idea, 雖然 (Dummy PY: Sui Yeen) + contrasting idea

For example:

1. Jessica 好好人, 雖然佢好細膽。

(Dummy PY: Jessica Ho Ho Yen, Sui Yeen Kui Ho Sai Darm)

-> Jessica is very nice even though she is very fearful.

2. 呢隻士多啤利好甜,雖然好貴。

(Dummy PY: Lay Jack See Dor Bear Lei Ho Team, Sui Yeen Ho Guai)

-> This kind of strawberries are very sweet even though they are expensive.

That’s all the connective words ideas I want to talk about today. I have created some exercises along with this episode. Please click the buttons on the top or the bottom of this page to practice.

Here are the vocab and sentences we talked about today:

*And - 同埋 (Dummy PY: Tong My)/ 同 (Dummy PY: Tong)

*Me and my sister are girls


(Dummy PY: Ngo Tong Ngo Ah Mui Dou Hai Nui Jai)

*Me, my sister and my mother are girls.


(Dummy PY: Ngo, Ngo Ah Mui Tong Ngo Ah Ma Dou Hai Nui Jai)

*Me and my sister and my mother are girls.


*Strawberries and cherries are fruits.


(Dummy PY: See Dor Bear Lei Tong My Cher Lei Ji Dou Hai Shui Guo)

*Strawberries, cherries and oranges are fruits.

士多啤利, 車喱子同埋橙都係水果。

(Dummy PY: See Dor Bear Lei, Cher Lei Ji Tong My Charng Dou Hai Shui Guo)

*Strawberries and cherries and oranges are fruits.


-> Strawberries and cherries and oranges are fruits.

*Not only … but also … - 不但...而且... (Dummy PY: But Darn...Yee Chair...) / 唔單只...而且... (Dummy PY: Um Darn Ji...Yee Chair...) /

唔單只 (Dummy PY: um Darn Ji)... 仲 (Dummy PY: Jong)...

*Jessica is not only very nice, but also very hard working.

Jessica 不但好好人,而且好勤力。

(Dummy PY: Jessica But Darn Ho Ho Yen, Yee Chair Ho Kunt Lick)/

Jessica 唔單只好好人,而且好勤力。

(Dummy PY: Jessica Um Darn Ji Ho Ho Yen, Yee Chair Ho Kunt Lick)?Jessica 唔單只好好人,仲好勤力。

(Dummy PY: Jessica Um Darn Ji Ho Ho Yen, Jong Ho Kunt Lick)

*I am not only sick, but also lost my job.


(Dummy PY: Ngo Um Darn Ji Beng, Yee Chair Mo My Fun Gung)


(Dummy PY: Ngo Um Darn Ji Beng, Yee Chair Mo My Fun Gung)


(Dummy PY: Ngo Um Darn Ji Beng, Jong Mo My Fun Gung)

*On top of that/ additionally - 況且 (Dummy PY: Fong Chair) /

加上(Dummy PY: Ga Sheung) /

何況 (Dummy PY: Hoh Fong)

*This kind of strawberries are very sweet, in addition, they are not expensive.


(Dummy PY: Lay Jack See Dor Bear Lei Ho Team, Fong Chair Yao Um Guai)


(Dummy PY: Lay Jack See Dor Bear Lei Ho Team, Hoh Fong Yao Um Guai)

*At night, walking alone is very dangerous, on top of that you are a girl.


(Dummy PY: Yeah Marn Marn Ji Gay Yet Gor Heng Guy Ho Ngai Heem, Fong Chair Nei Hai Nui Jai)


(Dummy PY: Yeah Marn Marn Ji Gay Yet Gor Heng Guy Ho Ngai Heem, Hoh Fong Nei Hai Nui Jai)

*But / Although … but… - 但係 (Dummy PY: Darn Hi) /

不過 (Dummy PY: Butt Guo) /

雖然 (Dummy PY: Sui Yeen)... 但係 (Dummy PY: Darn Hi)/

雖然 (Dummy PY: Sui Yeen)... 不過 (Dummy PY: Butt Guo)

*Jessica is very nice but she is very fearful.

Jessica 好好人, 但係佢好細膽。

(Dummy PY: Jessica Ho Ho Yen, Darn Hi Kui Ho Sai Darm)

Jessica 好好人, 不過佢好細膽。

(Dummy PY: Jessica Ho Ho Yen, Butt Guo Kui Ho Sai Darm)

雖然Jessica 好好人, 但係佢好細膽。

(Dummy PY: Sui Yeen Jessica Ho Ho Yen, Darn Hi Kui Ho Sai Darm)

雖然Jessica 好好人, 不過佢好細膽。

(Dummy PY: Sui Yeen Jessica Ho Ho Yen, Butt Guo Kui Ho Sai Darm)

*This kind of strawberries are very sweet but they are expensive.


(Dummy PY: Lay Jack See Dor Bear Lei Ho Team, Darn Hai Ho Guai)


(Dummy PY: Lay Jack See Dor Bear Lei Ho Team, Butt Guo Ho Guai)


(Dummy PY: Sui Yeen Lay Jack See Dor Bear Lei Ho Team, Darn Hai Ho Guai)


(Dummy PY: Sui Yeen Lay Jack See Dor Bear Lei Ho Team, Butt Guo Ho Guai)

*Even though - 雖然 (Dummy PY: Sui Yeen)

*Jessica is very nice even though she is very fearful.

Jessica 好好人, 雖然佢好細膽。

(Dummy PY: Jessica Ho Ho Yen, Sui Yeen Kui Ho Sai Darm)

*This kind of strawberries are very sweet even though they are expensive. 呢隻士多啤利好甜,雖然好貴。

(Dummy PY: Lay Jack See Dor Bear Lei Ho Team, Sui Yeen Ho Guai)



Chinese (Trad & simp.)